The Local Churches Typified in the Book of Psalms


Many believers enjoy reading the Psalms to receive inspiration and comfort, but few may consider the place the Psalms occupy in the progressive divine revelation concerning God’s purpose. The Lord Jesus Himself provides the key to interpreting the book of Psalms in Luke 24:44: the Psalms primarily reveal Christ Himself. Witness Lee, a prolific twentieth-century Christian writer, interprets the Psalms as:

The expression, in their praises to God, of the sentiments and impressions of the godly saints in their experiences, in and through which Christ is revealed and the Church as God’s house and God’s city is typified.

(Witness Lee, Christ and the Church, 7)

Witness Lee also explains that while Christ is clearly revealed throughout the Psalms, the church, which is merely typified, or prefigured, remains somewhat hidden.

In the Psalms Christ is revealed, but we cannot say that the church is revealed, because in the Psalms the church is still a hidden mystery. Therefore we can say only that the church is typified. In the types we see something of the church as the house of God and as the city of God. But it was not prophesied, predicted, or revealed.

(Witness Lee, Christ and the Church, 7)

The church typified in the Psalms has two aspects: the universal church, encompassing all genuine believers (Eph. 1:22-23; Matt. 16:18), and the local church, comprising the genuine believers within a specific locality or city (Matt. 18:17; Acts 8:1; 13:1). The local church is the expression and practicality of the universal church, the means by which the believers can participate in and enjoy the church.

The Local Churches Typified in the Book of Psalms

A. The Temple and the House of God As Types of the Local Church

1. Dwelling in God’s House

2. Enjoying Christ in God’s House

3. Receiving the Blessing in God’s House

4. Receiving Revelation in God’s House

5. Loving God’s House

6. Experiencing God’s Dealing in God’s House

7. Scriptural References

B. Zion as a Symbol of the Universal Church and the Local Church

1. Being Possessed by the Lord

2. The Perfection of Beauty

3. Being Blessed in Zion

4. The Joy of the Whole Earth

C. The City of God as a Type of the Local Church

D. The Bride (the Queen) as a Symbol of the Local Church

E. God’s Salvation to His People Being Practical in the Local Church

F. The Local Church Being Built up by Christ

1. Through Christ’s Sufferings

2. Through Christ’s Resurrection Life

3. Through Christ’s Ascension

G. The Victory of God over His Enemies Being in His Dwelling

1. God’s Purpose being Fulfilled through Christ and the Church

2. Giving Christ the Pre-eminence for the Restoration of His Dwelling Place

The purpose of this Website is to present, based on selected excerpts from the writings of Witness Lee, the believers’ experience and enjoyment of Christ in the local church as typified in the Psalms.



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