The Local Churches Typified in the Book of Psalms

Zion as a Symbol of the Universal Church and the Local Church

2. The Perfection of Beauty

In Psalm 50:2 Zion, symbolizing the universal church and the local church, is called “the perfection of beauty.” Witness Lee points out that to God the church, in both its universal and local aspects, is the most beautiful object in the entire universe.

Firstly we see that the church, the dwelling place of God, is the perfection of beauty out of which God shines. “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined” (Ps. 50:2). Zion in typology is the church. It does not say that the church is the perfect beauty, but the perfection of beauty. It is very meaningful. In the eyes of God the most beautiful object in the entire universe is the church. On the first day of God’s recovery of creation, as recorded in Genesis 1, God only said, “It is good.” On the second day God made the firmament, which divided the waters above from the waters beneath. However, on that day God did not say, “It is good,” because in the waters beneath there were the demons, and in the air above there was the subtle one, Satan. Even though the firmament was good, God would not say that the work of that day was good. But on the third, fourth, and fifth days, God continually said, “It is good.” Then on the sixth day, when man was created, God said, “It is exceedingly good.” In God’s eyes, nothing in all His creation is so beautiful as man. But today, in all God’s creation plus His redemption, nothing is so beautiful as the church. The church is the perfection of beauty.

(Witness Lee, Christ and the Church, 92)

Witness Lee continues by extolling the beauty of the New Jerusalem, the consummation of the universal church and the local church (Eph. 5:25-27, 31-32; Rev. 21:2, 9-10).

Have you ever looked at the New Jerusalem? Oh, the New Jerusalem! Look at it! Is that not the perfection of beauty? Is there anything in the universe more beautiful than the New Jerusalem? The entire city is of gold, transparent gold, with nothing opaque. There are twelve gates, and each gate is one tremendous pearl. The foundation is made of precious stones, layer upon layer, and the wall is also built up of gems. God is within the city as the shining light, and the entire city radiates the glory of God. Could anything be more beautiful than this? It is the perfection of beauty. One day, when we are all there in the New Jerusalem, we will exclaim, “O Lord, now we are really in the perfection of beauty!” It is not only beautiful; it is the perfection of beauty. Nothing could be more perfect; nothing could be more beautiful. This is the church!
While we are still in this old age, while we are still on this old earth, in my realization, the church is even now the perfection of beauty. You may say that it is not so perfect. In a sense, it is not, but in another sense, I would ask if you can find anything better. Never! I have passed through all kinds of human societies: I have been with the poor; I have been with the rich; I have been with the low-class as well as the high-class; I have been with the educated and with the uneducated. According to my experience, I must testify that in my entire life on this earth I have never found anything better than the local churches. To me this is the perfection of beauty, out from which God shines. “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.” Praise the Lord!

(Witness Lee, Christ and the Church, 92-93)

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